Fitness industry insights, information and opinion pieces from our experienced exercise professionals, covering everything related to training and nutrition from building muscle to staying motivated.

Mistakes to avoid when returning to the gym

Mistakes to avoid when returning to the gym

If it's your first time back in the gym in a while for whatever reason, it’s almost going to be like a reset for many of you. Getting to workout around actual weights and the motivation that has usually put you in the gym can be especially exciting after month off. While the excitement is good and can give you the seemingly rare and precious "oomph" you need, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind so that you don’t injure yourself.

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Unstable Fables

Unstable Fables

Here's another type of training trend that is hard to ignore - Unstable Training. Walk into a gym, and you will most likely find a variety of balance apparatus stacked neatly on a rack or strewn around the “functional” area.

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Fun-ctional Training

Fun-ctional Training

“Functional Training” has recently gained a lot of traction for what would seem to be the right reasons. Its foundation is purposeful and context-specific exercises and it bases its ethos around taking people away from using machines to lift weights in the gym, and instead throwing around things like medicine balls, or jumping onto boxes. But let’s take a brief moment to understand the “how” and “why” behind development of gym equipment ...

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Lessons on Lockdown - Training under the new MCO

Lessons on Lockdown - Training under the new MCO

<p>We are being allowed out of our homes to exercise, but indoor sports with a greater transmission risk are still off the menu. That means gym facilities remain closed. So, what does that mean for your health and fitness goals? Well, the good news is that two very important factors are now going to improve: your NEAT and your sun exposure. Another subliminal contributor to your progress that we’re also expecting to see positively affected is your mood.</p>

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Lessons On Lockdown: Ramadan Training

Lessons On Lockdown: Ramadan Training

And so the month of Ramadan begins, a month of minimalism, mindfulness and sacrifice. With strict eating and prayer windows to adhere to, it can be overwhelming to work out where one should put their day’s training to ensure no physical progress is lost in the process. During lockdown though, we’re almost lucky. Without a commute to worry about and with home-training the only exercise option, it becomes much easier to find the time to sneak training in at what would usually be awkward hours.

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Lessons On Lockdown: Nutrition - Part 2

Lessons On Lockdown: Nutrition - Part 2

Part 1 of our nutrition module discussed the basic principles of being mindful that you may be eating out of boredom as opposed to hunger, as well as guidelines for tracking your calorie intake. In order for you to really feel how this applies to you, we’ve tried to create a list of common profiles. If you don’t fit into one of them, you should at least be able to see how it relates to you and your prior training history or current goals.

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Lessons On Lockdown: Nutrition - Part 1

Lessons On Lockdown: Nutrition - Part 1

<p>Do you want to know a secret? The way you train on lockdown doesn’t make that much difference to the shape you end up in. Yes, usually if you go on half-marathons for fun on a Wednesday evening as opposed to squatting your 3-rep max you will end up with a different body-type, but neither of those is possible for most on lockdown.</p>

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Lessons on Lockdown: Training

Lessons on Lockdown: Training

With Malaysia's MCO relaxed, but gyms still remaining closed for the near future, we need to pay some serious attention to this unprecedented situation from a health & wellbeing standpoint. Over the next three articles, we’re going to provide advice and assistance across the three main areas that we, as coaches, tend to know best: training, nutrition, and mindset/habits.

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The Vegan's Guide To Supplements

The Vegan's Guide To Supplements

Going vegan isn’t only a matter of cutting meat from one’s diet and carrying on. There are high concentrations of nutrients in meat that must be accounted for when you decide to go vegan. Since it’s not always that easy to get appropriate amounts of certain nutrients from diet alone, supplementation is much more efficient.

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What's The Hype Behind: Creatine

What's The Hype Behind: Creatine

If you’ve ever read a fitness supplement article then you’ll have heard of creatine. No, it’s not steroids, but yes, it is the most studied supplement (other than protein) that has the most proof behind the results it yields. To understand why it’s so effective, let's look at the science behind it!

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The Smart & Healthy Way To Go Vegan

The Smart & Healthy Way To Go Vegan

<p>There are many good reasons to go vegan - but your personal health isn’t necessarily one of them. Sounds crazy - we know eating vegetables is good for us - but the health implications of a vegan diet are a little more complicated than that. </p> <p><br></p>

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Omega-3: Why It’s Healthy and The Best Way To Consume It

Omega-3: Why It’s Healthy and The Best Way To Consume It

The list of health benefits for omega-3’s is long. A few key types of fatty acids have shown to improve heart and brain health. However, it is EPA and DHA in particular, that have shown more significant results in this department.

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Which is Easier To Achieve: Weight Loss or Muscle Gain?

Which is Easier To Achieve: Weight Loss or Muscle Gain?

For a personal trainer, it’s easier to coach someone who wants to gain muscle. You have complete control over whether they do so, particularly if they can afford to have four to five personal training sessions with you a week. Losing weight is much more a matter of the client’s resolve. A personal trainer can give all the guidance in the world, but if they are sneaking in calories when they’re not meant to, then progress won’t come.

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